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There are so many people concerning their shapes and how they look, wondering: Should I eat less or move more to lose weight? Let's check out both ways.
First, eating less can help. Paying attention to how much you eat and making smart food choices can burn more calories than you take in, making you lose weight. It's easy to start and doesn't need special equipment or lots of time.
On the other hand, moving your body regularly is also good. Exercise not only burns calories but also boosts your *metabolism and keeps your muscles strong. Doing both—eating well and moving your body—gives you the best chance to lose weight and stay healthy. It's not just about losing weight quickly; it's about finding a routine that fits your life and keeps you feeling good for a long time.
*metabolism = 新陳代謝
First, eating less can help. Paying attention to how much you eat and making smart food choices can burn more calories than you take in, making you lose weight. It's easy to start and doesn't need special equipment or lots of time.
On the other hand, moving your body regularly is also good. Exercise not only burns calories but also boosts your *metabolism and keeps your muscles strong. Doing both—eating well and moving your body—gives you the best chance to lose weight and stay healthy. It's not just about losing weight quickly; it's about finding a routine that fits your life and keeps you feeling good for a long time.
*metabolism = 新陳代謝
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ご予約時のご要望欄へ「英検2級要約予想問題1」と入力いただき、解答欄のテキストをコピー&ペーストしてください。また、このページを丸ごとブラウザでPDF保存(例:Chrome印刷→PDFに保存→レイアウト横→詳細設定→保存)、セッションが始まる前に Skypeでアドバイザーにファイル送信しても問題ございません。
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