- 以下の英文を読んで、その内容を英語で要約し、解答欄に記入しなさい。
- 語数の目安は45~55語です。
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- 解答が英文の要約になっていないと判断された場合は、0点と採点されることがあります。英文をよく読んでから答えてください。
When it comes to weekends, people have different preferences: some are eager to travel, while others prefer to stay home. There may be other options, but many of them can be divided into these two types.
People choose to travel for various reasons. Some seek excitement and the opportunity to discover new destinations, such as exploring different cities and countries, meeting new people, and learning about different cultures. Others may seek relaxation and a break from routines like busy work and studying. Traveling allows people to broaden their horizons, create lasting memories, and get away from the stresses of daily life.
In contrast, those who prefer staying home may value the calm and comfort it offers. They may enjoy activities such as reading, watching movies, playing games, or spending time with family and friends. For some, staying home provides a sense of security and satisfaction, allowing them to recharge for the week ahead.
People choose to travel for various reasons. Some seek excitement and the opportunity to discover new destinations, such as exploring different cities and countries, meeting new people, and learning about different cultures. Others may seek relaxation and a break from routines like busy work and studying. Traveling allows people to broaden their horizons, create lasting memories, and get away from the stresses of daily life.
In contrast, those who prefer staying home may value the calm and comfort it offers. They may enjoy activities such as reading, watching movies, playing games, or spending time with family and friends. For some, staying home provides a sense of security and satisfaction, allowing them to recharge for the week ahead.
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ご予約時のご要望欄へ「英検2級要約予想問題2」と入力いただき、解答欄のテキストをコピー&ペーストしてください。また、このページを丸ごとブラウザでPDF保存(例:Chrome印刷→PDFに保存→レイアウト横→詳細設定→保存)、セッションが始まる前に Skypeでアドバイザーにファイル送信しても問題ございません。
*Skype セッションにはメンバーシップ>>が必要です。
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