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Some people like to live with animals. When people decide to get a pet, they usually bring it into their homes and take care of it as a family member.
Pets can provide friendship and emotional support, making their owners feel happier and less lonely. Moreover, having a pet can encourage physical activity, as owners need to take their pets for walks or play with them, which can improve their overall health. Pets can also teach responsibility, as caring for an animal requires regular feeding, brushing, and attention.
However, owning a pet also has its challenges. Some people may find it difficult to manage the cost of food, health care, and other supplies. Additionally, pets require time and attention, which can be demanding for those with busy schedules. Pets can also cause damage to furniture and other belongings, leading to additional expenses. Because of this, some pet owners may feel stressed or overwhelmed.
Pets can provide friendship and emotional support, making their owners feel happier and less lonely. Moreover, having a pet can encourage physical activity, as owners need to take their pets for walks or play with them, which can improve their overall health. Pets can also teach responsibility, as caring for an animal requires regular feeding, brushing, and attention.
However, owning a pet also has its challenges. Some people may find it difficult to manage the cost of food, health care, and other supplies. Additionally, pets require time and attention, which can be demanding for those with busy schedules. Pets can also cause damage to furniture and other belongings, leading to additional expenses. Because of this, some pet owners may feel stressed or overwhelmed.
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ご予約時のご要望欄へ「英検2級要約予想問題3」と入力いただき、解答欄のテキストをコピー&ペーストしてください。また、このページを丸ごとブラウザでPDF保存(例:Chrome印刷→PDFに保存→レイアウト横→詳細設定→保存)、セッションが始まる前に Skypeでアドバイザーにファイル送信しても問題ございません。
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