英検2級 要約予想問題4. School club(タイプ入力用) weknow by Interstate

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  • 語数の目安は45~55語です。
  • 解答欄の外に書かれたものは採点されません。
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   When students attend high school, many choose to join club activities. These clubs can range from sports teams to music and academic groups. While there are many benefits to participating in club activities, there are also some downsides to consider.
   What are some benefits of joining high school clubs? Club activities can help students develop new skills and interests, such as playing an instrument, learning a sport, or engaging in academic competitions. Moreover, clubs provide a sense of community and belonging, allowing students to make new friends and work together towards common goals. Participating in clubs can also improve college applications by showing a better student profile.
   On the other hand, balancing club activities with academic responsibilities can be challenging, leading to stress and time management issues. Additionally, some students may feel pressured to join clubs they are not interested in, just for their college applications. This can lead to a lack of enjoyment and burnout.
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