英検2級 要約予想問題5. Part-time job(タイプ入力用) weknow by Interstate

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  • 語数の目安は45~55語です。
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   When students go to university, some decide to focus only on their studies, while others choose to work part-time jobs while studying. There are many reasons why students might choose to work part-time.
   Why do students do this? Working part-time can help students earn money to cover their tuition fees, living expenses, and other costs. Additionally, part-time jobs can provide valuable work experience and skills that can be beneficial for future careers. Balancing work and study can also teach time management and responsibility, which are useful skills for life after graduation.
   Yet, there are certain disadvantages. Working part-time while studying can be exhausting and stressful, as it requires students to manage their academic responsibilities alongside their jobs. This can lead to less time for studying, socializing, and relaxing. Moreover, if the job is too demanding, it might negatively impact a student's academic performance and overall health. Finding the right balance is key to making the most of both work and study.
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