英検準1級 要約予想問題3. School uniforms(タイプ入力用) weknow by Interstate

  • Read the article below and summarize it in your own words as far as possible in English.
  • Suggested length: 60-70 words
  • Write your summary in the space provided on your answer sheet. Any writing outside the space will not be graded.
   From the early 20th century, school uniforms have been a common feature in Japanese schools. They are typically worn by students from elementary through high school. These uniforms often consist of a blazer, shirt, tie, and trousers for boys, and a sailor-style outfit or a blazer and skirt for girls. The aim is to create a sense of unity and discipline among students.
   Supporters of school uniforms in Japan argue that they promote equality by reducing visible economic differences among students. Uniforms can help eliminate peer pressure related to clothing choices, allowing students to focus more on their studies. Additionally, wearing a uniform can cultivate a sense of pride and belonging to the school community. It is also believed that uniforms contribute to the overall discipline and order within the school environment.
   However, critics point out several drawbacks to the uniform policy. They argue that it suppresses students' individuality and self-expression. Some students and parents also find the cost of uniforms to be burdensome, especially for families with multiple children. Furthermore, there are concerns about the comfort and practicality of uniforms, particularly during extreme weather conditions. Critics also argue that enforcing uniform policies can sometimes lead to unnecessary conflicts between students and school authorities.
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