FUN Omatsuri with Mobile & Portable Shrines in Japan

Let’s talk about Omatsuri. I love the Omatsuri culture in Japan. The Omatsuri evening is filled with bright lights, enchanting music, and lovely dances. The crowd is free to join in these lovely dances. Also, the food is delicious and some of the snacks can only be found at Omatsuri. It is so much fun to try some delicious new snacks at Omatsuri.

I lived in Seattle where the Japanese population is big. There are Japanese summer festivals in Seattle as well.  However, the festival is a lot smaller and not as fun as the Omatsuri in Japan.

The most famous Omatsuri in my hometown is a traditional matsuri.  This matsuri is very different from the Omatsuri in Japan. There are knights, and queens in this Omatsuri in my hometown. Let’s talk about the different Omatsuri.

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