Matthew (USA)

(Georgia, USA)
1st: English (English Teacher)
2nd: Japanese
(JLPT: N1)
Translator (English⇔Japanese)
3rd: Chinese (basic)
My weekly schedule:
Japan Standard Time.
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Weight lifting/exercising, video games, bread baking, eating
Dear Customers:
I have been in Japan for many years now. I came as a student, and I just couldn't leave when my year was over. I have done so many different things in Japan and have so many crazy encounters that have made my stay great. I really enjoy making many new friends from all over the world. Let's get to know each other.
Dear International Friends:
Hey guys, I came to a Japan, went to a Japanese language school, and entered a Japanese university as the only Western student in my school. I have figured everything out on my own from getting an apartment to living off a budget which gives me the knowledge to help you from making the same mistakes or running into the same problems as I did. If you are into games, or anime, or if you like going to the gym/martial arts, then I am your guy. Just hit me up and let's be friends.