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準1級 スピーキング No.2予想問題】
● Are infectious diseases becoming a bigger problem today?
● Are Japanese companies conscientious about their female workers?
● Are teachers today too protective of their students?
● Do children these days spend enough time with their parents?
● Do you think that efforts by developed countries can help to reduce global warming?
● Do you think that it is very difficult to study English in Japan?
● Do you think that Japanese society is becoming better for foreign tourists?
● Do you think that local politicians these days care enough about their local community?
● Do you think that more people in Japan will be interested in having a career in manufacturing?
● Do you think that people should pay more attention to securing their homes?
● Do you think that public universities should be free of charge for everyone?
● Do you think that parents should control their child’s academic performance?
● Do you think that the behavior of celebrities in public places sets a good example for citizens?
● Do you think that the Internet has a beneficial effect on society?
● Do you think that the government should ban smoking in all restaurants?
● Do you think that TV programs today have too many restrictions?
● Do you think the government should have access to individuals’ private communications for security purposes?
● Has IT had a positive effect on school education?
● Is a part-time job necessary for students to be full-time workers?
● Should civilians consider carrying weapons to defend against invasion from other countries?
● Should each individual do more to reduce the amount of energy that we use?
● Should more be done to help homeless people in your city?
● Should parents teach children more about saving and spending money responsibly?
● Should people do more to protect endangered languages?
● Should the government introduce stricter immigration laws for people immigrating to Japan?
● Should the number of weekly working hours in Japan be decreased?
● Should we be taught more about the culture and traditions of the area where we live in?
● Should we push young children to start studying English as early as possible?
● Were people in the past more in touch with the environment than people today are?

準1級 スピーキング No.3予想問題】
○ Does society provide sufficient support to families with children?
○ Do people in modern society put enough importance on spending time with the local community?
○ Do teachers today make their students work too hard?
○ Do you think that advertising for tobacco should be banned?
○ Do you think that an education system encourages students to be productive persons?
○ Do you think that it is acceptable to use disposable plastic utensils in many restaurants?
○ Do you think that it is important for workers to change their jobs?
○ Do you think that Japan should do more to promote its technologies to foreign countries?
○ Do you think that many companies in Japan ask their employees to work extra hours?
○ Do you think that new technology, such as AI, will make our lives better?
○ Do you think that our society should become completely cashless?
○ Do you think that parents today give too much freedom to their children?
○ Do you think that people today are concerned enough about protecting endangered species?
○ Do you think that reading helps young people develop a strong character?
○ Do you think that students are less loyal to their teachers these days?
○ Do you think that technology will create more job opportunities in the future?
○ Do you think that the number of young people who live with their parents after they finish their education will increase in the future?
○ Do you think that the quality of medical services in Japan is declining?
○ Do you think that the unmarried rate in Japan will increase in the future?
○ Do you think that unemployment increases because of IT?
○ Do you think that universities should offer more scholarships for good students?
○ Do you think that young people in Japan care enough about global warming?
○ Do you think there will be more essay-writing exams in universities in the future?
○ Is it possible to create cleaner air in most modern cities?
○ Is the elimination of COVID-19 an attainable goal?
○ Should governments have to provide child-care facilities for their civilians?
○ Should people believe more about what the news media reports?
○ Should we give up holding coal-fired power stations in Japan?
○ Will Japan’s population continue to decrease in the future?

準1級 スピーキング No.4予想問題】
◎ Are humans capable of reversing the ongoing climate change across the globe?
◎ Are Japanese high schools doing enough to improve their education systems?
◎ Are local governments providing enough public services in Japan?
◎ Are natural disasters more devastating than ever before?
◎ Can social media help bring different nations closer together?
◎ Do parents have a responsibility to provide financial support for their unemployed children?
◎ Do people today rely too much on their mobile devices such as smartphones and iPads?
◎ Do you think that it is a good idea for companies to hold back the date of the mandatory retirement age?
◎ Do you think that Japan can produce enough food for all its residents in Japan?
◎ Do you think that Japanese technology today will stay competitive in the global market?
◎ Do you think that the common populace can influence the decisions made by the government?
◎ Do you think that the media has too much attention on celebrities’ private lives?
◎ Do you think that the Olympic Games are beneficial to society?
◎ Do you think that young people today do enough to contribute to politics?
◎ Do you think that young voters can influence politics in Japan?
◎ Is a mobile phone changing too quickly for people to keep up with?
◎ Is social media consuming too much of our lives?
◎ Is recycling the best way for society to help the environment?
◎ Should companies pay salaries based more on job performance than on seniority?
◎ Should more be done to improve agriculture in Japan?
◎ Should more be done to improve the pension system in Japan?
◎ Should more be done to prevent people from disclosing their personal information on the Internet?
◎ Should people make more effort to contribute to world peace?
◎ Should school club coaches be allowed to hit students to improve their athletic skills?
◎ Should social media be responsible for checking hate speech online?
◎ Should the government limit the number of people living and visiting the Tokyo area?
◎ Should the government lower taxes to improve our standards of living?
◎ Should the Japanese government accept more immigrants from developing countries?
◎ Should the Japanese government provide young people with more opportunities for studying abroad?



*英検official site 例題と回答例:準1級

*英検official site 実際の面接の様子:準1級

ナレーション 15点
Q&A 20点
アティチュード(態度) 3点



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